Career Technology


Mobile application security testing can help ensure there aren't any loopholes in the software that may cause data loss. The sets of tests are meant to attack the appto identify possible threats and vulnerabilities that would allow external persons or systems to access private information stored on the mobile device.

Can a mobile app be hacked? Anyone can share an app on the Google Marketplace, including hackers who hide malware inside free mobile software and games. In comparison, Apple monitors and approves each application it allows into the iTunes App Store but this, however, doesn't write off the App store from being entirely secure.

Can someone read my text messages from their phone? Sure, someone can hack your phone and read your text messages from hisphone. But, the person using this cell phone must not be a stranger to you. No one is allowed to trace, track or monitor someone else's text messages. ... Using cellphone tracking apps is the most well-known method of hacking someone'ssmartphone.

Why mobile app testing is important? Most importantly, it helps save costs related to infrastructure and boosts the quality of the application. While leveraging a Mobile Device lab there are some key points to consider such as the Device Matrix and Technology, Security challenges while transferring data, and support provided for software and devices

Duration: 15 Days
Modules: 20 Modules
Training Cost: Rs.15000